AIP Psychoanalytic Training Information Day

AIP Events

The Adelaide Institute of Psychoanalysis invites you to join us for an information morning on psychoanalytic training.

Join us in person for an opportunity to gain an understanding on becoming a psychoanalyst in AIP,  where questions about the psychoanalytic training program can be explored. This information day is aimed at individuals interested in training to become a psychoanalyst. It will cover a wide range of information, including a short talk from our senior analysts, and entry requirements etc.


Date   : Saturday 22 February 2025

Time  :  10.30 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.

Venue: 300 Fullarton Road, Fullarton 5063 SA

Cost : Free

Register your interest below

The analytic training program involves the study of theoretical and clinical principles, and aims to facilitate the development of psychoanalytic clinical expertise also through personal analysis. The program is part-time and is organized so that candidates are able to continue working during the training.

Upon completion of training, candidates become Psychoanalysts in AIP and Members of the Australian Psychoanalytic Society. This is recognised by the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), the body which monitors standards for Psychoanalytical practice worldwide. Psychoanalysts in AIP also become Members of the IPA.

Join us for morning tea, meet our analysts and hear current candidates speak about the training program and their experiences. Both analysts and candidates will be available to answer any questions you may have.

For enquiries please email:

Registration fees can be paid via Direct Deposit to:

Account Holder: Adelaide Institute of Psychoanalysis

Bank Name: People’s Choice Credit Union

BSB No: 805-050    Acc: 102 831 206

Ref: Please put your full name under either Description/Remitter

Registration application for AIP Psychoanalytic Training Information Day